Enumeration Operator

Operators supported by object query conditions

Operator List

datatype support operator comment
AutoNumber eq, ne, le, ge, lt, gt, in, contains, startwith, endwith, isnull, isnotnull
CheckBox eq, ne, isnull, isnotnull
Currency eq, ne, le, ge, lt, gt, in, isnull, isnotnull
Date eq, ne, le, ge, lt, gt, in, isnull, isnotnull
DateTime eq, ne, le, ge, lt, gt, in, isnull, isnotnull
Email eq, ne, le, ge, lt, gt, in, contains, startwith, endwith, isnull, isnotnull
Formula isnull, isnotnull
ID eq, ne, in, isnull, isnotnull
Lookup eq, ne, in, isnull, isnotnull
MasterDetail eq, ne, in, isnull, isnotnull
Name eq, ne, le, ge, lt, gt, in, contains, startwith, endwith, isnull, isnotnull
Hierarchy eq, ne, in, isnull, isnotnull
Number eq, ne, le, ge, lt, gt, in, isnull, isnotnull
Percent eq, ne, le, ge, lt, gt, in, isnull, isnotnull
Phone eq, ne, le, ge, lt, gt, in, contains, startwith, endwith, isnull, isnotnull
SingleSelect eq, ne, isnull, isnotnull
MultiSelect eq, ne, includes, excludes, isnull, isnotnull
RollupSummary sum, min, max, count, isnull, isnotnull
Text eq, ne, le, ge, lt, gt, contains, startwith, endwith, isnull, isnotnull
TextArea isnull, isnotnull
URL eq, ne, le, ge, lt, gt, in, contains, startwith, endwith, isnull, isnotnull
PostalCode eq, ne, le, ge, lt, gt, in, contains, startwith, endwith, isnull, isnotnull
EncryptedText search
  • in

The in operator needs to pass in an array of values:

"value": ["hello", "hi"]
  • search

The search operation supports only encrypted searchable fields and only prefix matching. For example, if the encrypted plaintext is ABCDE, the search can be performed by ABC but cannot be performed by BC.

In addition, not all Option options are supported. Only the following options are supported:

  • fields
  • skip
  • limit

Enumeration Members

contains: "contains"
endWith: "endwith"
eq: "eq"
excludes: "excludes"
ge: "ge"
gt: "gt"
in: "in"
includes: "includes"
isnotnull: "isnotnull"
isnull: "isnull"
le: "le"
lt: "lt"
ne: "ne"
search: "search"
startWith: "startwith"