Interface FlowBriefModel

The brief model for flow, used in list.

interface FlowBriefModel {
    active: boolean;
    catalogue?: string;
    description?: string;
    enableStat?: boolean;
    event?: string;
    eventCriteria?: string;
    id: string;
    label: string;
    name: string;
    processType: "Inner Flow" | "Autolaunched Flow" | "Event Trigger" | "Timer Trigger";
    status: string;
    timerCriteria?: TimerCriteria;
    version: string;


  • FlowInfo
  • FlowCompiledModel
    • FlowBriefModel


active: boolean

Check if the flow is active.

catalogue?: string
description?: string
enableStat?: boolean

Enable flow runtime statistics.

event?: string

The binding event, when processType is 'Event Trigger'.

eventCriteria?: string

The binding event criteria, when processType is 'Event Trigger'.

id: string

The ID of the flow.

label: string
name: string
processType: "Inner Flow" | "Autolaunched Flow" | "Event Trigger" | "Timer Trigger"

The process type.

status: string

The compiled status.

timerCriteria?: TimerCriteria

The binding event, when processType is 'Timer Trigger'.

version: string

The version of the flow.