Interface InstanceManager

interface InstanceManager {
    getStat: ((instId) => Record<string, Record<string, number>>);
    incrStat: ((instId, node, category) => void);
    terminate: ((instId) => void);


getStat: ((instId) => Record<string, Record<string, number>>)

Get all statistics of the given instance.

Type declaration

    • (instId): Record<string, Record<string, number>>
    • Parameters

      • instId: string

        the instance ID.

      Returns Record<string, Record<string, number>>

incrStat: ((instId, node, category) => void)

Increment node statistics for the given instance.

Type declaration

    • (instId, node, category): void
    • Parameters

      • instId: string

        the instance ID.

      • node: string

        the node name, or flow:node-like if it's a node inside a subflow.

      • category: string

        the category.

      Returns void

terminate: ((instId) => void)

Terminate the instance by given instance ID.

Type declaration

    • (instId): void
    • Parameters

      • instId: string

        the instance ID.

      Returns void

